Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Thumb

Friday, Noel shut her thumb in a car door. He dad offered to take her to the ER, but she refused (from what she told me). She told me she iced it for a long time that night after her dad helped her wash it. Then, she texted me and let me know she was hurt and asked me if I could take her to the doctor on Monday if it was not better (she hates hospitals). I told her that if she thought it was broken she should let her dad take her in that night. She didn’t agree. 

Yesterday, Noel told me that it was getting better but she thought she may be losing the nail. She FaceTimed me and showed me the bruises and swelling. Once again, I told her she needed to let her dad take her to have it x-rayed. She said it wasn’t that bad. 

When I picked her up today, she told me it was doing a lot better and she was sure she didn’t break it. Then, when I wok up from my nap, she told me it was hurting really bad and agreed to let me take her to Urgent Care, not the ER.  

It was confirmed that she has a hematoma under her mail and will lose at least part of it. They didn’t have an x-ray tech in, so we will have to go to the imaging center tomorrow to have it checked. Then, they will call and let us know the next moves. For now, it is in a brace to stabilize. Hopefully, it isn’t broken. 

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