Saturday, October 7, 2023

Meow Wolf Denver with Sean

I have a tradition with my kids for their birthdays in which they get a day with me to do something of their choosing. (Eric decided he grew out of this when he was 18.) I won't get into all of the reasons it started because they don't matter now. What does matter is that this one day they get to have my attention and have fun doing something they want to do without anyone else's opinion on what that is. The only time this didn't work so well was in 2020 when we had to find an alternative for Boondocks. 

I know it is almost two weeks since Sean's birthday, but today was my day with Sean. He has finally decided that he has outgrown Boondocks, so he chose to go to Meow Wolf. He already went with he grandma and wanted to show me around. There were a lot of things to see and a storyline with the Q card. After about an hour, he was overwhelmed with all of the people and mentioned several times how there weren't as many people last time (in the middle of a weekday). I was overwhelmed with all of the sounds, and I assured him that I would not be upset if he wanted to leave. We made a quick stop at the gift shop before heading to Cold Stone and going home. 

Overall, it was a good day. I'm so glad that I have this tradition with my kids. I am sure they will all eventually grow out of it, but I will enjoy it while it lasts. 

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