Saturday, October 21, 2023

This Feeling

 I have been walking around with the worst feeling of dread for quite sometime. I don’t sleep much, and I have a lot going on in my life right now. I stress about money, raising the two kids still at home, my job, and Angeles that may pop into my head. 

Exercise seems to help with this feeling of dread, but that wears away after an hour or two. I wish I could have that natural, post workout high more regularly. 

I have come up with a few things that should help. First, I told Chad that we need to not get Door Dash at all until at least after Christmas. The other thing is asking my husband for a blessing. He is nervous todo so, but I fully believe it will help. Once tgese two things are in place, I will look at myself again to figure out what I can change or do to better organize my life. 

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