Saturday, December 9, 2023

Feeling the Stress

As it gets closer to Christmas, I am feeling the stress of trying to make sure it is as perfect as it can be for my family. I typically try to buy each person four gifts. This started with the idea of given everyone something to wear, something to read, something they want, and something they need. I found the idea on Facebook five or six years ago and found it a great way to better stick to a budget and assure that no one got more gifts than another. It has always been hard to get everyone something to ready because Sean is the only kid that is an avid reader. This year, I am going to give them each four gifts plus their not-so-secret Santa gifts and stocking stuffers. I am not going to stress the specifics of the four things, though. As we get closer to Christmas, I am realizing I need to figure out the rest of the presents for my family members. Thankfully, I don't feel pressure to get the perfect stocking stuffers. Those are all taken care of already.

Eric and Peyton have not given me much of a list. They said they need forks and want stuff for their cars and cats. I am making them each socks and have bought them each a few things, but I am struggling to think of other things to buy them this year. So far, I got Peyton a car vacuum, and that is about it. 

Sean wants book and video games and needs jeans. I have gotten him none of those things. I got him a mug and a stuffed animal so far, and I plan to get him a train set because he keeps mentioning how he misses the ones he used to play with when he was little that I gave a way a long time ago not realizing how much he still wanted it (he didn't play with it much). I will probably get him the next few books in the latest series he has been reading. Really, it is just a matter of buying the things I am thinking of getting him. 

Noel is not hard to buy for because she often talks about the things she wants or likes. It's really just a matter or narrowing down what to get her. I have bought her an easel for her painting (it has become a way for her to release stress), a crimper/curling iron set, and nail stuff. I can't decide what else to get her. I know she wants clothes, but I just spent a lot on clothes for her when we did her birthday shopping trip, so it will probably not be that. 

I just bought a few things for Chad. I'm not going to mention them here because he occasionally reads my blog. I think I am at a point with him that I need to open the Amazon boxes and count to see how much I have bought so far. I may be done, but I may need one more thing. I can't remember. 

As far as food goes, I think I have it figured out. I am not going to do a big dinner this year. I really want to do another charcuterie board. Sean reminded me that it isn't very filling, so he helped me decide on a good appetizer dinner we can do. We will have a charcuterie board, some wings, and fill my appetizer 3 small crockpot thing with meatballs, little smokies, and cheese dip. I think this will be enough food to fill people while giving the relaxed atmosphere we all need. 

I want this Christmas to be perfect for my family. I want them all to feel loved. I am so lucky to have each of them and want them to know that. I want them to look back at Christmases fondly as they grow older. I never know if or when any of them will move too far away to celebrate with us. 

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