Thursday, April 4, 2024

Stomach Virus

Tuesday, Chad was very sick. It seemed like no matter what he did, it just got worse. Eventually, he called his mom, a retired nurse, for advice and was told to go to the ER. After a CT scan of his abdomen and 3.5 hours of waiting, we were told he had a stomach bug and a large kidney stone stuck in his kidney. The solution: lost of rest and follow up with a urologist. 

The next day, I was suddenly sick after work. I laid down to nap and ended up running no to the bathroom on a regular basis. Each time, I got up, my energy was zapped. I just kept praying that I could keep my dignity through it all. Then, I ran to the bathroom, fainted when I was done, and had to yell for help to get back to the toilet to throw up. I was sicker than I have been in a long time. 

A few hours later, it was Sean’s turn. He violently threw up every 20 to 30 minutes for a few hours. He has told me that he now just mostly has no energy. 

Next was Noel. Thankfully, she only threw up once and seems to be doing fine now. 

This virus sucks. Somehow, it has been a bit better for each person. 

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