Friday, May 17, 2024

Mini Bonfire


A bout a month or two ago, I decided I wanted to burn the rest of the candles I had in the cupboard rather than buy a new one. I did this in the jar from the last candle I bought. In the process, the jar filled up with everything that didn’t burn off of each candle. Then, I had a jar of wax and no wick, so I grabbed some cotton yarn and tried to make wicks. Unfortunately, the yarn was not strong enough to stand when the wax was liquid, I I just kept cutting more “wicks.” When it got to the bottom, there were a bunch of little pieces of yarn at the bottom. I put them all in a pile and set them on fire. The fire ended up getting to big that I couldn’t easily blow it out and had to get a pan lid from the kitchen to smother it. It probably wasn’t a good idea to play with fire on my desk next to my bed. 

I feel like I need to add something to this story. The picture was taken before it got out of control. However, it was amazing how fast that happened. 

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