Saturday, June 15, 2024

Construction Woes

There is a bit of construction going on near my house. Behind my house, there will be a new gas station aa well as a few other business still to be determined. They are currently in the process clearing the land including what was apparently a go-cart track at some point. (I wish they would have revived that business at some point.) They had town hall meetings for about 2 or 3 years about the gas station before they finally started doing something rather than just talking about it. I don't know how long this stuff usually takes, but that seems like a long time. 

Across the street from that, they are building a Starbucks. This week they have been placing and welding the steal beams. It's a bit loud. A few days ago, I heard what sounded like elephants coming from that direction. I know it wasn't elephants, but the only other times I could remember hearing that sound were at the zoo or circus. I'm assuming the beams make the same sound when being moved around or placed, but I don't know. 

You may be thinking that there are a lot of Starbucks around, or if you know the street they are building on, you may think that there is no need for one more gas station. You would be right either way. I don't know why these are some of the few businesses this town can attract, but I hope having some real commerce in this town will be a good thing even if it is loud as they build. 

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