Friday, November 22, 2024

Miracle Morning Prep


When I wake up in the morning, I have a routine I follow instinctually before I start my Miracle Morning. First, I go to the kitchen to take my meds and fill my water. Then, I go back into my room, smooth out my blankets, and pull everything out that I need (my bullet journal, journal, scriptures, and colored pencils). Now that it is cooler, I often pull the blankets over my legs as I sit crisscrossing on the bed. Sometimes, Sophie curls up to me. Sometimes, she makes a "nest" on Chad's side and sleeps. Either way, she is always there. Once everything is set up, I start with a prayer, open my bullet journal, and perform my little miracle. My mornings have been going so much better since I started this, and I tell everyone about it.  It is the perfect way to start the day. 

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