Monday, January 20, 2025


Yesterday, I found out that the baby I bounced and rocked when I was about 16 or 17 is now a grown woman with a baby and has been in my ward for about a month or two. How did I find out this was the same girl? Her mom, one of my favorite people from that time of my life, was visiting and found me in the chapel. I was go excited that I had to hold back the tears! 

Jill is one of the most influential people from my teenage years. She was one of my youth leaders for a few years and was there for me and my sister when my mom and brother died. I always thought she was so glamorous and cool because she was beautiful, wore high heels (even when pregnant) and was the only mom I knew who worked outside the home. She was also kind, thoughtful, and loved us unconditionally. She never judged me for having parents that were separated then divorced. She let me be when I needed it. I loved her so much that when Eric was little, we brought him to meet her when we took him out for Halloween. Of all of the youth leaders I had growing up, I would say she and Amy were the best. 

Now, her daughter is in my ward, and I get to see Jill more often! I may seem weird to still have heroes like this, but she is one of the people that made me who I am today. I owe a lot to this amazing woman! 

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