Wednesday, January 15, 2025

No New Subscriptions

One of our no buy rules is "no new subscriptions." This is kind of hard this time of year because there are a lot of apps trying to get our business for the new year. A podcast that I listen to has print outs and stuff to follow along with the scripture study with a yearly subscription, there are crafting apps with yearly subscriptions, etc. It feels like everywhere I turn, there is another subscription looming in my face with the promise of making my life better or easier in some way. 

Here's the thing, though. I know me. I would sign up for the app, do whatever program for 2 or 3 months, and abandon said program. I'm a joiner, but I'm not great with the follow through. Hence the rule. 

I know this rule has already saved me money. The temptation to join a new flashy whatever will dissipate eventually. In the meantime, this is hard. 

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