Monday, December 20, 2010

Excuse Me

I would just like to clarify something.  My kids don't know totally what is going on.  All they know is what they have figured out on their own.  At least two of the three are upset enough by that.  Talking to me about my problems in front of them will make me mad.  Even if they did know completely what is going on, coming up to me at church and talking to me about my husband leaving is inconsiderate especially in front of my kids.


  1. Agreed. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with this... and then I go and not be there to answer your call for two days... I'll be home today, if you're not working. I'll be home most of the week during the day if you're not working and need to talk to someone.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that. :( This is going to be tough enough on them... I think sometimes people just say things without thinking. I do...a lot. :(

  3. This particular person is a bit too nosey to begin with sometimes.

  4. :( Sorry to hear you are struggling.
