Saturday, December 18, 2010

What's Going On

Well, life knows how to through me a curve ball.  Perhaps it is not as unexpected as I would have hoped however.  I will post more later, but for now I will just say that John is moving out.  He will not tell me where he is going, but I know already.  I am not stupid.  I know how to pick up on enough clues to draw a fairly accurate conclusion.  I have been turned into a villain when he is speaking to his friends.  He knows the truth.  I have done things I am not proud of.  I think he knows now that I will NOT take how he treats me.  I will not sit in the dark anymore.  I do need him when it comes to the kids because they adore their father and I don't want to traumatize them or have them go without the necessities in life.  Other than that, at this point there is not a way for us to have even a friendship.  He would tell you it is because if what I have done, but we both know it goes beyond just me.  I know he doesn't read my blog, but I do suspect that he has friends that spy on my blog.  Maybe they will tell him what the evil witch has posted about him.  I don't know.


  1. yikes! if you need anything let me know! :)

  2. I'm so sorry Rosa! I am here if you ever need anything. Take a breath. You are so very loved even if you don't feel it.

  3. Want to move to AZ - we will anything we can to help. I am so sorry my dear Rosa.


  4. I love you, big sister. Stay strong. You deserve to be happy.

  5. Love and prayers from Florida, Rosa. I'm so sorry that your life has taken such a difficult turn. I'm thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers.

  6. I had no idea any of this was going on. I am so sorry to hear how hard things are for you right now. Since I don't know specifics, nor do I think it is my business to know them, here is the only words I can offer, and hope that they don't offend, but instead let you know that I am thinking of you:

    Speaking from experience (my parents divorced when I was 8), it may take time, but eventually the kids see right through the lies dad's tell. Your kids will eventually see through his as well. Keep your head high, be strong for them, and love them as best you can. The farther away from the drama you can stay, the easier it will be for your kids to realize who the real problem lies with.

  7. I am so sorry to hear/read what is going on. Remember that there are people who love you and want the best for you.
