Monday, August 29, 2022

How are the goals?

Things went horribly for my goals last week. Having two days off of work threw things out of whack to begin with. Then, one person in the household had a change in schedule which made them too tired to do things they were previously doing (being vague on purpose). Also, we had a lot of junk food left over from our trip, and I seem to think that the best way to get rid of it is to eat it. I know, that is not the best of plans. So...I ended the week with the house messier and my gut larger than it was at the beginning of the week. Seriously, Chand and I even fell behind on laundry (Sean and Noel do their own). 

Good news is that I am ready to get back on track. I am starting to track my food. I cleaned when I got up to get me on the right track right away. In fact, I completed four of my main goals in the first few hours of my day. The part that makes me happiest: I am back on a running plan. By the end of November, I will be able to run a 10K again. I am currently looking for a virtual 10K that I can do around Thanksgiving. That way I can do it on the treadmill at the gym if needed. 

I will keep this blog updated on my running progress. I am really excited to jump back in after not really doing it for so long. 

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