Tuesday, August 30, 2022

This Man


vacation photo

Who knew when I got divorced that I would end up in a relationship in which I would be treated the way I had always dreamed of having. I am a people watcher and a dreamer. As I lived through a marriage in which I was treated as less than the person I was married to, I could see how my friends were treated by their husbands and wished I would be treated that way as well. We had some good times. I tell my kids about the good things he did because no kid needs to hear that a parent they love was not that great of a person. Honestly, I didn't realize how bad the relationship was until after Noel was born as I struggled with a bit of depression (that is a story for another time). In reality, I didn't trust him for most of the marriage (for good reason). To say I was miserable for the last few years of that marriage is an understatement. The thing is that I didn't want to get divorced because I didn't want that for my kids, and I just wanted to be married. 

Around the time I filed for divorce, I met Chad at work. We quickly became friends. While I dated another man over the summer, Chad was the person I confided in more than anyone else. A few months after that man and I broke up, Chad and I started dating. A month later, we started talking about getting married. A few months later, we were married. In hindsight, I can see how the timeline was a bit fast, but it just felt natural. We were meant to be together. Do we fight? Yes. I dare you to find a couple that doesn't. (I know there are some that say they don't, but I don't believe them.) Do we drive each other crazy? Of course! I work from home and he has three days off a week. That means we have too much time together sometimes. However, we love each other. We respect each other. We have the give and take I was missing in the last marriage. We both work. We both clean. This is what I wanted in a marriage! 

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