Saturday, October 1, 2022

Running is Not Easy


Sometimes running sucks. This morning was one of those times. It was my first time running five minute intervals during this training cycle. I was hard. I glanced at my phone several times to check the time left on the timer. My legs were hurting, I was out of breath, and I was getting light headed near the end. Worst of all, my brain kept reminding me that I was able to run for at least 20 minutes nonstop less than six months ago. (I'll get back to that soon enough.)

Why was it so much harder today than two days ago? There are a lot of things that may have been the cause. First of all, even though it was only one extra minute, I was running longer. Second, I ran at different time of day. I know a lot of people that hate running at night. I have actually grown to like running as the day closes. Also, I didn't eat or drink much before I went out. I only had a bit of water and a yogurt. That may have been one of the biggest issues. All I can do at this point is remember the things I can change and change them. 

Thankfully, the app that I use for my training asks at the end of each run if it was hard, easy, or just right (basically). I told it that the run was hard, so it adjusted the plan by adding another run that mirrors the one I did this morning. It will bump the plan out by one run, but I would rather that happen than keep struggling. Hopefully, it will help me be prepared for the rest of the plan. 

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