Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Fruit Leather

I hate wasting food. My compost is looking great, but I wanted to find a way to use the produce before it went bad instead of putting it in the compost every time. 

Yesterday, I decided to make fruit leather with the apples that were starting to get a bit soft. Once again, I  found a very easy recipe online. First, I pealed, cored, and diced the apples. Then, I added 1/2 cup water to the four cups of apples in a sauce pan and simmered it for about 10 minutes with the lid on. Next, I used my potato masher on the apples as I added sugar and cinnamon until it tasted right. Then, I poured it into the food processor and puréed it. Finally, I poured it onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper, and put it in the oven at 170 (the lowest my oven will go) for about 8 hours. It tastes really good, and it is a much healthier snack than the cookies and such I normally have. 

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