Saturday, October 26, 2024

So Much Destruction

This morning, I read Mormon 6. In this chapter Mormon sent an epistle to the Lamanites requesting they all gather at Cumorah thinking this would give them an advantage in battle. Instead, all but 24 Nephites (including Mormon and his son, Moroni) were killed. Mormon was left crying over the destruction of his people. 

I have never been really into the battles in the Book of Mormon, but this one hit me a bit different. First of all, verse 7 says, "And it came to pass that my people, with their wives and children, did behold the armies of the Lamanites marching towards them; and with that awful fear of death...did they wait to receive them." As I read this I could feel their fear. My heart ached for those mothers watching as this large army came to destroy them. Then, when most of the people had been killed, Mormon did just say they were all gone but him and 24 others, he started in verse 11 saying. "And when they had gone through and hewn down all of my people save it were twenty and four of us..." followed by 4 verses describing the vast number of people killed. Then, verse 16 says, "And my soul was rent with anguish because of my slain people..." How could I not read this and feel deeply for what he witnessed? He did just lose one or two people in battle. (I know the pain of losing two loved ones at the same time.) He lost almost everyone. I could not even imagine what that kind of pain would feel like. 

We often talk about how he was left after the destruction of his people and the loneliness he must of felt. However, I'm not sure we take the time to think about the anguish he felt at this particular time. We gloss over it. Today, it hit me. Mormon lost so much all at once. He was in pain and expressed that pain as he finished off this chapter. Today, I mourn with him. 

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