Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Job

I have been looking for a new job on and off pretty for about the last year and a half. I had a few interviews, sent out who knows how many resumes, filled out a lot of online applications. It finally paid off. Yesterday I was offered a new job! I will be starting on November 14. I will be in another call center, so I know it is not exactly ideal. However, I will finally have Sundays off, guaranteed! They aren't even open on Sundays (for now at least)! I will be taking a bit of a pay cut, but I am positive that I can make that work. I am willing to make the slight sacrifice in pay to have the time with my kids.

I have to thank my dad for recommending me to apply. I know he will get some kind of spiff for me working there, but I know that he also understood how unhappy I was with my hours at my current job.

There are only two bad things that I can think of right now with me getting a new job. First  of all, I am losing my babysitter. She is the best babysitter I have ever had. She truly loves my kids, and they love her. The days and hours won't work for her, which I totally understand. The other thing is that I will be leaving my friends at Dish. I have made some great friends, and I hope that we can continue those friendships.


Matthew Kiehl said...
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Krista said...

Congrats!!! That's fantastic news!

Mistaken said...

That's great! I hope you get great hours. You will find another babysitter. A great one. This is one step closer to you being more happy.

taradon said...

I'm just so thrilled for you!