Saturday, May 26, 2012

Need. To. Lose. Weight.

Ok. So I need to work harder at this losing weight thing. I think I may have gained back all of the weight that I lost since the wedding plus some. That is not good news for a girl that barely fit into her wedding dress in February and has to fit into it again in less than a month. Every time I make a goal that would help, I get lazy or do things like earn a gift card to McDonald's at work. I didn't do well at five minutes of exercise a day this week. I kept telling myself that I could do it later because, after all, it was only five minutes. Before I knew it, I was too exhausted to do even the five minutes. I swore I wouldn't drink anymore soda. Then they started giving out 5.00 gift cards at work for good customer satisfaction surveys (they are a lot easier to get when not working retention). Of course the doughnut fascination (see below) that I have had doesn't help. Ugh! I am so weak. I have been thinking about my habits lately. I think I need to use exercise as my "therapy" like I did both times I was separated from Mr. Wrong. I was losing weight and feeling good about it. I don't know why I stopped. My hubby is willing to work out with me or at least keep me company when I would out. He encourages me as much as possible. When it comes to eating, I have never had good eating habits for more than a month or two. Well right now, I only need to do it for a month. Hmm. I need ideas, good ones that I can do to lose at least 10 pounds by June 23.

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