Friday, July 24, 2009

A Common Goal

Our marriage counselor suggested that John and I have a common goal to work on since we had been running almost separate lives for so long. It took us a while, but we finally have one. We have started working out together in the morning. For the last three days, we have been trying to get up at 6am and turning on an exercise video and exercising. OK. The videos that we have been doing have only been about 10 minute workouts, but we have got to start some where right?


Mistaken said...

What a great idea. That will definitely help in bringing unity into your marriage.

Tera said...

The couple that sweats together . . . ? Great idea. JP and I have the same problem, we really don't have a common goal and we both are so used to doing our own things because JP is always busy with school.

taradon said...

I think that's a great idea! Hope you both enjoy it!

Krista said...

That's a great idea! Keep us posted on how it's going!