Friday, November 6, 2009


As a kid I loved watching Thundercats, but I haven't thought about the show for years. That is until today. I went to pay my water bill, and when I got out of the car I saw this on the hubcaps of the car next to me.

I know. I looks a lot like the Thundercats symbol.
Being a Thundercats fan in my younger years, immediately I figured that the driver of that car must share my love. Upon further inspection of the car, I realized that it was a Mercury Cougar. That really has nothing to do with the beloved show of my youth.


CSwain said...

Oh I loved Thundercats too! Did you know that Wal-Mart sells the Dvd tv series? I just saw them the other night. Wow, what memories:)

Druciana said...

I may have to take a trip to Wal-Mart.

Mistaken said...

I loved the Thundercats too!!!

Katie said...

I remember watching that show and acting it out with my siblings... Wow, that was a long time ago!

taradon said...

LOL - I was a Thundercats fan, too. I remember playing Thundercats with my brothers and sisters. Good times. :)