I bought some turkey bacon at the store yesterday because, well, it was on clearance and I was curious (my curiosity gets me in trouble sometimes).
It is advertised as a good, less fat, lower calorie substitution for bacon. It is lower fat. It does have far less calories than regular bacon. It even has less salt than regular bacon. However, it is not bacon!
I cooked up the package today. It stuck to the pan horribly. It didn't have that nice bacon aroma. Then, I tasted it. Are you ready for this? It tasted like...warmed up sandwich turkey. Yep. That's right folks. On a sandwich with ham, the crunch was a bit like bacon. I would have to say that is where the similarities end. I don't think I will be able to use this a substitution for bacon.
The good news. I told the kids is was bacon, and they all ate it. They even wanted more! To them, it was called bacon, so it must have been bacon. Of course, we are talking about a couple of 5 year olds and a 3 year old.
How funny! I mostly buy turkey bacon and turkey hot dogs, groud turkey, you get it. I love Jennie-O! If you eat that turkey bacon enough, you begin to forget what real bacon tastes like!:) Oh and speaking of bacon, and what is all this hype about John and bacon on FB? Too funny.
I love turkey bacon! My family prefers "fat bacon", though, which I do still like, but mmmm.... tuuurkeey baacon! Yum! (I cook it in a non-stick skillet, then it doesn't um, stick. lol)
I agree that turkey bacon doesn't taste like bacon. It takes more like canadian bacon to me. But it's alright. How many calories is one slice? Regular bacon is only 1 point, so I can have 1 slice every now and then, and I don't think it's a big deal.
haha, it most definitely is not the same. It tastes like spam to me. Just eat regular bacon and cut down how much you eat of it.
To me it's like eating Taco Bell... it tastes good and all, but don't try and call it Mexican food. I think the turkey bacon tastes okay, but don't try and tell me it's bacon because it's just not the same! =)
Turkey bacon is not bacon. Bacon is a necessity, though. Can't live without it.
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