Monday, May 25, 2009

Workout on a Schedule

I have been slacking in the workout department. Due to a lack of funds, I can't join a gym. I used not want to join a gym, but now I can't wait until the day that I have enough debt paid off to be able to pay for a membership somewhere nearby. For now, since I do like to workout, I am using workout videos. I have quite a few that I collected in the past 10 years or so. My problem is that I am having a hard time motivating myself to workout at night lately, and I am just not coordinated enough in the morning before my kids wake up to workout then. I have decided that I need to make a workout video schedule. I will make it on Sunday or Monday so that the schedule is varied each week.

Here is my plan this week:

Monday: The Firm
Tuesday: Pilates
Wednesday: Tae Bo
Thursday: 30 Day Shred
Saturday:Kick Boxing
Sunday: OFF


Mistaken said...

Sounds like a good plan. Do you have a plan for what time you will do this? It helps to do the same time every day, I think.

Druciana said...

I'm planning to do it after the kids go to bed. That seems to be the best time for me.

taradon said...

Good luck with it! Hope the new schedule helps.