Thursday, May 21, 2009

Where Druciana Came From

I don't know if anyone is wondering this or not. I just feel like blogging and can't think of anything more interesting. That means that anyone reading this will just have to deal with it. Don't worry, it's not a long story.

Anyone who knows me knows that Druciana is not my real name. It is, however, my Internet name. I use it for longing into just about everything (credit card accounts, twitter, ravelry, checking account, GMail address, calorie counting site, you get the point). I use this name because I know that no one else will. How do I know that? I made it up.

You see, Druciana is my D&D name. It all started with Icewind Dale (a D&D based computer game). My husband wanted me to play with him and I got hooked. The main character that I used was a cleric. I wanted to come up with a name that sounded magical. Somehow, I just typed this name into my computer and decided on how to pronounce it.

After that, anytime I played a D&D based game, I used Druciana. Sometimes she was a cleric and sometimes she was a wizard. She was always something magical.

Now you know my geeky secret.


Mistaken said...

I think it's cool and very imaginitive

CSwain said...

That's cool! I wondered what your name was. I use Arwen0725 for everything too. Arwen being the elf princess off Lord of the Rings. I use a different name for banking and credit card and personal stuff:)

taradon said...

Fun =) I had wondered where Druciana came from. So much more imaginative than my online name... Taradon = just my first and middle names. Tara Don.

Tera said...

I'd wondered how you came up with that name, and I also wondered about Tara's. Now I know!

Cara said...

Thank you for solving the mystery behind your unique name. Big points for creativity!