Friday, November 20, 2009


Last night, I sat down with the kids to help them make their wish lists for Christmas (I know it is not Thanksgiving yet, but we have to start now).  They had no problems coming up with ideas.  At one point, Sean said, "I want a glow-in-the-dark fishing pole.  Then I actually want to go fishing someday." Ok.  A bit random, but Sean is my most random child.  I wrote it down.  Then, Noel had a turn to name something.  "A swimming pool that is Sleeping Beauty and glows in the dark."  I write down her made up item calmly while trying not to laugh.  She then turns to Sean and says, in a way only a little girl can, "You're not the only one getting something glow-in-the-dark."  I had to laugh at that one.


Jami said...

We already did our Christmas shopping and didn't even bother having the kids make a list seeing as we already know what they'd ask for. Oh, well.

taradon said...

I guess Santa will have to bring a little something that glows in the dark for Sean... just to keep up the theme. :)

Mistaken said...

I don't think I've ever been around you kids when they didn't say something hilarious. haha, I love it!

Mary said...

I love it, Kids say the cutest things!