Friday, February 19, 2010

Buying Groceries Online

A few weeks ago I decided to try buying groceries online because I didn't have a car at the time I regularly went shopping, and I did't have the time to go shopping when a car was accessable (at least not the time for the big grocery shopping I do every two weeks).  I remembered Tara talking about how nice it was to have the groceries delivered from King Soopers and thought I would give it a try.  I sat down at my computer that afternoon and ordered everything on my list.  It was great!  I may have accidently ordered things that were just a bit off (smaller or bigger size than usual), but overall it was a good experience.  The best part was that I didn't get a bunch of stuff not on the list that just looked yummy.  This week I did the same thing (my car is still being worked on).  I did better at actually ordering the items that I actually wanted, and got it done in about 20 minutes (how many people can say they did their grocery shopping in 20 minutes).  The groceries were delivered the next day.  It was great!  My only complaint was that my darling four and six year olds didn't tell me the lady was there delivering, and I slept through the delivery.  I am going to have to remind them to wake me before they answer the door.


taradon said...

Isn't it wonderful? I love grocery delivery. =)

Jami said...

Is it expensive? Or free? That would be awesome. I spend up to two hours grocery shopping to hit 2-3 different stores to get the best deals - which works, BUT TWO HOURS. Very exhausting.

Druciana said...

It is only about 10.00 more to have it delivered. I would never have imagined doing it when the budget was too tight for us to even buy groceries on a regular basis, but now I feel it is worth the 10.00. lol

Jami said...

That's so great that you can delete that stress from your life -well, both the tight budget AND the grocery shopping! :)

Marleah said...

Rock On! I love it. I've never thought of that. I am bad at buying stuff that looks yummy and not always sticking to the list.