Friday, February 28, 2025

Why Disney?


We have had the Disney+ bundle with Hulu for many years. The only problem we have had is that Hulu forces us to log off and log back in every so often. It was kind of exciting when Disney+ added the Hulu stuff to the app because we didn't have to worry as much about the Hulu thing. 

Now, we have an interesting complication with Disney+. Both of the TVs with Rokus gave us a message that they are not showing as part of the household all of a sudden. Why? I have no idea. They are accessed by the same WiFi network as everything else. It is a simple fix, but a bit more difficult when the account holder is at work and can't always answer calls or texts. 

Yesterday, Noel got this message. Chad is the account holder and works installing and repairing internet and cable. I tried to call in case he was between jobs. Then, I took a picture of her screen and sent it to him asking for help fixing it. When he got the chance he called. We requested the code needed. He had to check his email and read it off to us. Had he been home, he would have navigated the remote and it would have been fixed a lot quicker. 

I understand the idea of trying to crack down on account sharing, but this is frustrating. It is literally accessed by the same home network. Why is it only the Rokus that are being targeted? Be smarter about this Disney.

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