Monday, March 2, 2009

Goal Check

Ugh! It is that time of the week again. I am reporting on how much of a slacker I have been. I have got to step it into gear soon, or there will be no point in these updates anymore.
When it comes to journal writing, I did great Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday are a different story. I don't know what is so hard about the weekends, but that seems to be my downfall.
Exercising this week is a sad story. I got up and journaled 5 days, but for some reason I just didn't feel like even going for a walk more than just Monday and Tuesday. I think dealing with Eric's problems just took the life out of me or something. Luckily, John recognised that I needed to do something and encouraged me to work out with him Thursday and Friday. I am going to try harder this week. (I couldn't try any less.) I already have a good start today. I went for a nice walk this morning and did some Tae Bo and have done a few things with the weights. Hopefully I can keep this up. I have no guarantees for while I am out of town though.
Listening to the Book of Mormon was OK. I have been trying for doing this Monday through Friday, and I think I just missed Wednesday when I took Eric for a picnic in the car in front of the school. Not a bad reason to miss in my opinion.
Getting up early has been working OK on the week days. I have only been pushing the snooze once. One day last week I actually woke up before my alarm went off!


Jami said...

I love that you're not giving up! Keep it up! :)

Krista said...

I think after the week you had last week, most people would have said, "OH well...goals aren't getting done THIS tough week!" The fact that you continued to push yourself to try says a lot. I'm wholly impressed! You're doing fantastic!

taradon said...

I agree with Krista - with the week you had last week it's impressive that you kept up with your goals as much as you did. You should feel good about that!