Sunday, June 2, 2024

Recreation Photos

I love pictures that recreate past pictures. When Eric was a senior, I really wanted to recreate a kindergarten graduation picture with his best friend from that time period. We talked about it for months, and I worried we wouldn’t be able to do it because of COVID. Thankfully, his school was able to figure out how to do graduation at a drive-in and we were able to do it. 

For Sean, we were able to recreate his eight grade graduation picture with is favorite teacher. 

When it came to Noel, only one picture came to mind when I thought of doing this. It doesn’t include anyone else which is good because she changed schools in high school. She fought me a bit on it but agreed that it looked great when she saw the result. 

I love that even when they think my plans are weird or stupid, my kids indulge me in things like this. And in case you’re wondering, they are in frames with their senior pictures. 

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