Saturday, May 9, 2009

Another 2.5 Bites the Dust!

Wow! That is all I could think when I weighed myself this morning. I am 2.5 pounds lighter than last Saturday. It sure is nice to know that all of this hard work is paying off. I have noticed that I am feeling less hungry as I control my portions. I am enjoying eating healthier too. I don't know if it is that or the exercise or a combination of the two, but I feel amazing! I have more energy. I am not as irritable. I have a more positive out look.

I am on my way to my goal! According to the website I have been using to track my progress, I should meet my goal around the end of January. I'm not sure I can even imagine myself with that much less weight, but I can't wait to see I what I will look like.


Tera said...

You are amazing and I can't believe how fast you are dropping the weight! Good job. Weight loss is so hard.

Cara said...

Way to go! I am proud of you! Losing weight is a hard thing to do. I think it's great that you have set weight loss rewards for yourself--things to look forward to. When I reached my weight loss goal before I got pregnant again, my big reward was to go horseback riding. Fabulous!

Jami said...

That is so awesome! I can't believe it's coming off so fast! Keep it up!

Mistaken said...

Woo Hoo! That's awesome. You know you have to keep it up because now I'm going to be trying to keep up with you, hehe

taradon said...

You are doing so great!

Krista said...

Good job!!!! I'm so proud of you!!!