Sunday, May 17, 2009

Why Is It So Hard?

For those of you who don't know by now, I am looking for a part-time job. I would be working after John gets home from work, so the issue of child care will be taken care of. I figured that it wouldn't be that hard to find somewhere in Brighton that would hire me. I guess I was wrong (or I am too impatient).

I started applying for jobs the day after talking to Tara (my good friend for whom I watch her daughter 3 days a week). Thankfully, Tara was understanding to my situation, even agreeing to let me use her as a job reference since I haven't worked outside the home in about 8 years. I applied at Lowe's, Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Dish Network (actually in Thornton), Quiznos, Auto Zone...(you get the picture). I am planning on applying at Kohls tomorrow. The thing is, I have only heard back from one place, Target. That was a nicely worded email stating that they weren't hiring (even though the signs on the door say they are). The manager at Quiznos acted excited until I told him my availability was after 4 on the weekdays and no Sundays.

The thing is that I need a job. I feel like getting a job is the right thing for me to do right now. I want a job outside of the home for now. I thought, for some reason, that it would be a quick and easy process. I guess being 30 with not much work experience in the last 5 years (which is what most of these places are asking for) makes me less qualified than some high school kid with no work experience.


Cara said...

Sorry you're having such a hard time finding work, Rosa. I don't envy your situation, but I would be in the same one if I went to look for work. I haven't worked outside my home since I was pregnant with Dallin in 1998. I wish you good luck in your search.

Mistaken said...

If this really is the right decision, something will come up. Something probably better than what you have applied for. Give it time. It hasn't really been that long. I'll keep my eyes open.

taradon said...

Sorry to hear you're having such a hard time with the job hunt! I'll keep an ear open for anything that might work for you...

Jami said...

I agree with Melissa...if it's right, it'll happen. If not, well, you're getting your answer. But, like she said, it hasn't been that long so maybe the Lord has something even awesomer than Target in store for you. ;)

Krista said...

I think it doesn't have as much to do with the fact that you haven't worked in almost 8 years and more to do with the fact that it's a poor economy right now. That's making it tough on EVERYONE. People are trying to cut down hours as much as possible without laying off staff... I had 10 jobs available that I just hired for (sorry, if you were in Orlando, I would have hired you in a heartbeat!) and I got approximately 150 resumes for 10 positions. It's tough right now. Keep your chin up and keep trying! Good luck!