I am not really the obsessive type, so this is as close as I will get.
John gave me Twilight for Christmas (just the first book) along with several other books because that is really what I wanted. It took me about 2 weeks to read the first book (which is fast for me considering the size of the book). I had to promise to read the other books he got me before I got the next book.
To my surprise, he brought home New Moon before I finished all the books I got. He just asked me to finish the books he gave me for Christmas before I started that one. I did. I even started on the book his mom gave me for Christmas.
When I went to Arizona, I decided to bring New Moon with me. I REALLY wanted to read it, and it was just sitting on my desk mocking me. It took me about a month to finish that one because I just wasn't as interested in it as the first one.
A few days later I ordered Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. It took a little over a week to get my books because I am too cheep to pay for shipping.
I started in my book the first day. It will probably take me a week or two to read it because I really don't get a lot of time to read, but I am absolutely LOVING this one! I can't wait to read the rest of it and read the next one. I am even considering reading the entire saga again once I am done. I don't usually do this. I usually wait at least 6 months so that it is at lest partially new again. I just don't know if I can help myself.
I did see the movie, but was terribly unimpressed. I would much rather read the book!
I love the Twilight books too-- and I must agree on the movie. I was totally turned off by the movie, but now I have mostly gotten over it and can enjoy my vision of things!
These were probably my all time favorite series! Happy reading!
Just wait until book 4... that's my favorite! And you'll have to read Stephenie Meyer's other book, The Host. It's also very good.
hmmm. maybe I'll have to read them
Ah, Melissa, unless you want to be swept away in quite possibly one of the greatest love stories EVER, I wouldn't read them if I were you. lol
Welcome to the club! I love these books and have read all of them many times. In fact I am reading Twilight now and almost ready to start New Moon again.
I've got the set if you need to borrow them.
Don't worry, I have them all now too. I couldn't resist!
Blah blah blah Twilight blah blah Edward Cullen blah blah...lol
I will admit to picking up the first one again right after finishing the 4th. I wanted to see what I missed now that I know what is coming. The second book is my least favorite, and I agree that the 4th is really good.
I really liked the Twilight series also, but I really like Harry Potter better! I haven't seen the movie yet, I really want to (even though I've heard nothing but bad reviews of the movie!).
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