As some of you may know, I have been reading and doing the Love Dare for a little over a month now. I am happy to report as I learn and do the daily dares, my marriage is seems to be improving. The book starts out with the simplest dares and they get progressively harder. Today I am on Day 33.
"If at all possible, try to initiate sex with your husband or wife today (not a problem most days with my husband). Do this in a way that honors what your spouse has told you or implied to you about what they need from you sexually (again not really a problem). Ask God to make this enjoyable for both of you as well as a path to greater intimacy (problem)."
At first when I told my husband about this dare, he was rather excited. Then, I told him about the last part. He just cracked up. NO WAY! At least we agree on that.
Is it just us, or is it a bit creepy and perverted to pray for sex to be enjoyable?
I've never heard of that book before! That's hilarious, it does seem a little weird. Good luck!:)
I kid you not. I know a couple (not us) who actually prays EVERY TIME before they have sex.
Not that I think sex is bad, because it's so totally not. I just think the church stays out of the bedroom, and as long as the couple is happy with how things are going, then there's no need for "intervention" from the Lord.
Maybe that makes me a "not good enough" Mormon. I'm ok with that!
I've done it. Look at it this way: Who created sex? What is it's original purpose? Is it meant to be creepy and perverted? It was given as a commandment to do it, right? And even if you're not doing it to procreate, I firmly believe it was meant to be a significant part of marriage as a bonding element, very essential to a marriage's success. H.F. won't think it's weird, it's not like He doesn't know you're doing it. What could it hurt to have Him bless it??
I think if a couple had problems in that area, it would be totally appropriate to pray about it. But if you both already enjoy it, then I don't think there is a need.
Remember that if it's important to you, it's important to the Lord!
At first I did think it was a really strange thing to pray about, but the more I think about it the more I think that if it's something that worries you, why not pray?
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