Monday, November 24, 2008

Thankful Nov. 24

I know I didn't post yesterday. I will make up for it today.

I am thankful for my ability to cook for my family. We would be spending way too much on food if I didn't know how to cook. I even save us a bit more money by making quite a bit from scratch. I am glad that my mom took the time to teach me the basics of reading a recipe so that I can cook for my family.

I am thankful for my mom. I love my mom, and I wish that I could tell her. My mom had many problems, but through it all she loved me and I loved her. My mom taught me a lot about life. She taught me how to be a mom. She taught me basic sewing and basic cooking. She gave me more details about child birth than any 13 or 14 year old that I knew. She told me things that most moms wait until their children are in that stage of life as a teenager. Sometimes I wonder if somewhere deep inside she knew she wasn't going to live to see me get married or have children. I don't know if that is what made her give me so much info or just because that is the way that she was. Either way, I am glad she talked to me that way. I wish I hadn't spent so much time being mad at her when I was a teenager. I love my mom. I hope anyone who actually reads this thinks about their mom, and doesn't take her for granted. If you are mad at your mom do what you can to mend your relationship. You never know if there is going to be a tragic accident that takes her away.


Jami said...

That's such a nice post!
My mom was very, um, detailed in talking to me, too. Sometimes TOO detailed, especially when it came to her "relationship" with my dad... oh, well. I remember after she told me about child birth, the only thing I seemed to fear greatly was needles! Ha! If only I knew, right?! I must have been really young as to not comprehend the excruciationg amounts of pain involved... lol
As far as the graphics, I just do a google search for the topic I wish to be "graphic" about. :)

taradon said...

What sweet memories of your mom. Makes me want to go hug my mom!

Mistaken said...

Thanks for that reminder. I love my mom too!