In the search to find out what make me, well, me. I have known one thing for sure. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. That is one thing that will never change. I am not going to risk my membership to learn more about myself. In fact, I am leaning more to the values and habits of my youth.
I was born into this Church, but that is not why I believe in the concepts and principles that I have been taught. I believe because that is what I know is right. That is what makes me happy. The church was one of my constants in my otherwise crazy teenage life.
Recently I was invited to join a group on Facebook. It is called "Why Yes, I AM Mormon, thanks." I liked and agreed with most of the statement on the main page. I liked some of them so much that I wanted to share them. For my non-Mormon friends, I hope this helps you understand me better and I hope that you will continue to respect me and my beliefs.
You most likely know one. Whether you're aware of it or not.
Our real name is The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints. Which means we're Christian :)
Sometimes we go by LDS. Mormon is a nickname given us because we believe in the Book of Mormon. We usually go by Mormon because that's how people know us...
We don't drink.We don't smoke.We don't drink coffee... and if you see one of us doing that, slap them and say "NO!"
Joseph Smith was the first LDS prophet.
Brigham Young was the second.
BYU is a Mormon college...There are 3 of them - one in Utah, Idaho, and Hawaii. BYU stands for Brigham Young University.
Not all of us have been Mormon our whole lives...
It's true. We make the best green jello salad and casseroles you've ever tasted.
We think Mormon jokes are funny.
We give talks in church in front of 150-300 people. how's that for public speaking?
We love to sing and dance.
If we ask you to go to an activity, it's NOT a conspiracy thing where we're trying to convert you. It means we have fun and we want to share that with you. Likely the church won't even really be mentioned while you're there.
If we ask you to go to church, it's because we care enough about you to want to share with you what we know and the blessings we've received.
If we give you a Book of Mormon, we're giving you the most precious gift we have. It may not have the same meaning to you at first. That book has changed lives for the better and when we see you going through hard times, we want to help. This is the best way we know of helping you. So don't be offended. Even if you don't want it, know that we care about you THAT much.If you turn us down, it's OK.If you think we're pushing you, tell us to knock it off! We'll stop.
If you ask us what we believe, only for the sake of arguing, we won't tell you. It's pointless to engage on that when you're not going to open your mind and listen.
Asking you to go to church, an activity, or giving you a Book of Mormon is incredibly hard. It's like a guy asking out his crush. Some of us are more comfortable in doing that than others. It's hard. So if we do it, be NICE! :)
Donnie and Marie? Mormons.
The Bat Commander? Mormon.
Steve Young? Mormon
Gladys Night? Mormon
We're not perfect. No one is. We make mistakes. We slip. Try not to judge us by one person who is struggling.
I was born into this Church, but that is not why I believe in the concepts and principles that I have been taught. I believe because that is what I know is right. That is what makes me happy. The church was one of my constants in my otherwise crazy teenage life.
Recently I was invited to join a group on Facebook. It is called "Why Yes, I AM Mormon, thanks." I liked and agreed with most of the statement on the main page. I liked some of them so much that I wanted to share them. For my non-Mormon friends, I hope this helps you understand me better and I hope that you will continue to respect me and my beliefs.
You most likely know one. Whether you're aware of it or not.
Our real name is The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints. Which means we're Christian :)
Sometimes we go by LDS. Mormon is a nickname given us because we believe in the Book of Mormon. We usually go by Mormon because that's how people know us...
We don't drink.We don't smoke.We don't drink coffee... and if you see one of us doing that, slap them and say "NO!"
Joseph Smith was the first LDS prophet.
Brigham Young was the second.
BYU is a Mormon college...There are 3 of them - one in Utah, Idaho, and Hawaii. BYU stands for Brigham Young University.
Not all of us have been Mormon our whole lives...
It's true. We make the best green jello salad and casseroles you've ever tasted.
We think Mormon jokes are funny.
We give talks in church in front of 150-300 people. how's that for public speaking?
We love to sing and dance.
If we ask you to go to an activity, it's NOT a conspiracy thing where we're trying to convert you. It means we have fun and we want to share that with you. Likely the church won't even really be mentioned while you're there.
If we ask you to go to church, it's because we care enough about you to want to share with you what we know and the blessings we've received.
If we give you a Book of Mormon, we're giving you the most precious gift we have. It may not have the same meaning to you at first. That book has changed lives for the better and when we see you going through hard times, we want to help. This is the best way we know of helping you. So don't be offended. Even if you don't want it, know that we care about you THAT much.If you turn us down, it's OK.If you think we're pushing you, tell us to knock it off! We'll stop.
If you ask us what we believe, only for the sake of arguing, we won't tell you. It's pointless to engage on that when you're not going to open your mind and listen.
Asking you to go to church, an activity, or giving you a Book of Mormon is incredibly hard. It's like a guy asking out his crush. Some of us are more comfortable in doing that than others. It's hard. So if we do it, be NICE! :)
Donnie and Marie? Mormons.
The Bat Commander? Mormon.
Steve Young? Mormon
Gladys Night? Mormon
We're not perfect. No one is. We make mistakes. We slip. Try not to judge us by one person who is struggling.
That is a great entry! You really articulated a lot of things I've never said, but are just how I feel.
I got most of it from the Facebook group.
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