Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I Feel Loved

As many know, my husband has a WEbook account. He originally got on there to get some feedback on his poetry, but it seems to me that he blogs more than writes poetry. To give him some space and privacy from my ever watchful eye, I stayed away from his blog entries considering them the closest thing he has had to a journal in a long time. Today, I broke my rule. I got on and read some of his blog-type entries. To my surprise, the two random entries that I decided to read both had some good things about ME. In both he called me his sweet wife. In one he was talking about one of my personality traits that I always found a downside and said that he loved it. In another he called me beautiful. Wow! It just made me so twitterpated!


Lady Carolyn said...

Aww! I love those moments. :) Congrats on the twitterpation.

Krista said...

That's the BEST! Isn't it nice to be surprised in a good way like that?

taradon said...

Ahhh, how sweet!