Saturday, January 31, 2009

New Shoes

My kids get new play shoes about once a year. Tax time. It is a very exciting time in my house! They get to go to Target and pick out the ideal pear of play shoes. They get to find out how much their feet have grown. And did I mention they get to pick them out themselves (the most important part to them).

This year Eric chose Transformer shoes. He was quick to point out to me that they do not have ties because he has been wearing his hiking boots for the last month or two since he wore out his other shoes. He knows how to tie them, but he doesn't tie them tight enough for them to stay tied for very long. That means he has to stop and tie his shoes a lot during the day when he wears the hiking boots.

Sean knew before we even left for the store that he wanted Spiderman shoes. When he found ones that light up, that was an extra bonus!

Noel had a simpler agenda. She wanted PINK. She picked out some pink shoes with sparkles, and is absolutely convinced that they are "Cinderella" shoes.


CSwain said...

How fun! Remember picking out new shoes with my mom too when I was little. We made a day ou tof it all my siblings and I had fun doing it.

taradon said...

Ooh, Haley is going to love Noel's sparkly ponk shoes!

Mistaken said...

That's awesome! I love taking my kids to get new shoes, or clothes. My mom gave me some money the other day and I spent it all on the kids. It was so much fun. I don't very often get to buy things for the kids unless it's their birthday or christmas. I need to do my taxes