This lady is amazing! She is one of the many paraprofessionals at Eric's school. She greats the kids as they get to school every morning by the playground. Some how she is always chipper no matter how cold it is. The most amazing this is that she greats each child individually. I am not talking about just saying, "Hello," as each child passes by. I am talking about greeting the children by name. I am good at remembering names and faces, but that is a lot of kids to remember! She even greats Sean as we drop Eric off in the morning. Sean doesn't even go to school there! I am glad that Eric goes to a small town school where efforts such as this are made to make him feel welcome.
I think it's so amazing the ladies at the front office at my kids' school remember all the students names, too. How on earth do they do that? I seriously wondered once if they got the school class pics and studied them or something... lol
That is a GREAT feeling when you knwo that the teachers and paras REALLY know, care, and love the children they are in charge of. You're at a great school!
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